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Emergency Pet Care of Texas

Critical Care

Critical care refers to ongoing monitoring in a specially equipped environment, like an intensive care unit. Your pet might need treatment such as administration of fluids or oxygen treatment in connection with an urgent or emergency health condition. The critical care unit at Emergency Pet Care of Texas is fully equipped to provide your pet with everything they need to support their recovery

Woman and Man Checking Dog

Your pet might need critical care if…

  • They have recently had a complex surgery

  • They are recovering from a serious illness

  • They have experienced severe trauma

  • They are having trouble breathing

  • They need a blood transfusion

All of the above cases may mean your pet might need close monitoring for their condition. This list, however, is not exhaustive and there are other reasons that your pet may need to stay under our supervision for an extended period of time.

When you bring your pet to Emergency Pet Care of Texas, our Magnolia veterinarians will triage their condition, which involves examining and diagnosing their condition. We’ll determine what approach best fits your pet’s needs and let you know our recommendations. If your pet needs close attention or special ongoing treatments, we may recommend that they stay with us for a longer period of time before we send them home.